My approach to teaching is based on three commitments:
1. provide inclusive courses that offer opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds and varying levels of skill to succeed;
2. create engaging courses by providing variety in learning activities; and
3. improve my pedagogy through workshops, consultations and experimentation.
My principal areas of expertise are in international relations and public policy, with a focus on international political economy, international environmental politics/policy and global governance.
I provide materials and lesson plans for two activities. The first is an in-class activity whose goal is to have students generate and test hypotheses on the relationship between trade and economic development by examining real data from eight countries. The second is a simulation designed to introduce students to concepts related to environmental justice. Faculty may use / adapt them free of charge with proper credit and recognition of my copyright in their use.
Letters from Former Students (Links)
February 2021 September 2020 September 2020 #2 May 2019
Course Syllabi and Evaluations
The following tables provide links to my course syllabi and student evaluations. Scores reported from responses to instructional ‘quality' or ‘effectiveness’ question. Additional evaluations are available at RateMyProfessors (external link).